Cupping Glasses
Squeeze, suck, and glide with high-quality cupping glasses. This ancient healing practice of suction therapy gently vacuums and stimulates the skin and fascia tissues, targeting areas of cellulite. By releasing tension, increasing circulation, and stimulating collagen production, this method helps to restore and strengthen the skin and connective tissues. Over time, it can smooth the appearance of cellulite, improve skin tone and texture, and enhance overall firmness.
Key Ingredient
The cupping sets are made of high-quality smooth mouth blown cupping glasses. The set includes two cups with glass openings of 4,5 cm and 5 cm in diameter. The cupping glasses are made from borosilicate glass, while the suction balls are crafted from soft PVC, which is physiologically harmless, cadmium-free, and has a shore hardness of 52° A.”
Benefits | Selling points
- Aids in releasing tension in muscles and fascia tissues, which can contribute to the appearance of cellulite
- Improves circulation of oxygen-rich blood and lymphatic drainage in areas affected by cellulite
- Enhances the effectiveness of cellulite-targeted products such as The Activator| Toning Body Oil by improving absorption
- Stimulates fibroblast cells to boost collagen production, which helps firm and smooth the skin
- Helps reduce the dimpled appearance of cellulite by improving skin texture and elasticity
How to use
Follow the steps outlined below, using the lines in the drawings as a guide:
- Start with clean skin: Ensure the area to be treated is clean and dry. Thoroughly wash your hands before beginning
- Prep the skin: Generously apply a body oil or moisturizer to the target areas (see drawings) This will provide the necessary glide for the cups and enhance the treatment
- Use the appropriate cup size: Choose a cup size suitable for the treatment area. Larger cups are generally better for broader areas, while smaller cups can be used for more targeted spots
- Perform cupping strokes: Gently squeeze and place the cup on the skin, then move it in upward strokes or circular motions. Repeat each stroke a few times, lifting the cup at the end of each stroke and returning to your original starting point. Give a slight wiggle at the end of each stroke to help break down fat deposits and improve circulation
- Keep the cup moving: Avoid letting the cup sit in one spot for too long to prevent bruising. Maintain a steady, fluid motion throughout the treatment
- Treat both sides: After completing treatment on one side of your body, repeat the same procedure on the other side
- After use, clean the cups in warm water and soap, dry them with a clean paper towel, and store them in a clean, dry place
Limit use: For best results, perform body cupping targeting cellulite once a week, as it is an intensive treatment.

Upselling suggestions
- The Activator | Toning Body Oil
Suitable for
See contra indications.
Contra indications
BodyCupping is contra indicated in the following situations:
- Avoid areas with open wounds or skin infections
- Do not use on recent surgeries, injuries, or any areas where deep vein thrombosis is present.
- Avoid use over severe bruising or varicose veins
- Do not use cupping if you have blood disorders, are on blood-thinning medication, or have a history of severe cardiovascular issues
- Do not use cupping during pregnancy
- Consult with a healthcare provider before using cupping therapy if you are on medications that affect your skin or blood flow
- Do not perform cupping if you have a fever or are suffering from an acute illness or infection
- If you have any underlying health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting cupping therapy
Retail sizes
2 pcs SKU TT07030TL
Barcode: 8720165959730
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